Design Your Dream Suit

Designing your custom suit is now easier than ever! We have a lot of ready designs, but you can always create your very own unique design!
Start with picking your fabric swatches here and rhinestone samples here. You can order up to 5 swatches and 5 rhinestone samples at once, they are free, you only pay for shipping. Once you receive your samples and picked your favorites you have two options to go with:
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation here. You can ask any questions about your future suit, discuss color scheme, pick your connectors and get some help with measurements.
Email us at Let us know what fabric and rhinestones you picked, and we'll go from there.
Either way you choose you'll get your suit estimate in the end of the conversation. We do not upcharge for custom design, there will be a regular price range. Final cost of your suit will depend on complexity of stonework and additional options you choose for your suit. The entire list of options can be found here. Once we finalize all the details, we start doing our magic! Turnaround time for custom suits is 7-10 business days. We're excited to work with you and create a suit of your dreams!